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Solitaire|hd 1.3.1
Screen Shots:
*** Now with support for Retina Display on new iPads ***
Solitaire|HD is a brand new implementation of the classic Solitaire, programmed from scratch to make the most of the iPad large screen
With high definition graphic, beautiful card images, realistic stereo sound effects and music, the game allows to play the popular games Klondike (in three different variants: standard with 3 cards, standard with 1 card, or with the Vegas scoring system) and FreeCell.
The whole iPad screen is used to provide you the best looking solitaire experience. All game-related actions can be performed by gestures, including the 2-finger swipe for undo/redo and a 3-finger swipe to get rid of all cards and quit the game.
A video of Solitaire|HD is available at
Solitaire|HD fully supports both Landscape and Portrait orientations, with graphic specifically optimized for each mode. This is a truly native iPad product, not just an iPhone port!